Posts Tagged ‘publishing’

The Marketing Content Continuum

Thursday, July 27th, 2023

Content marketing remains a high priority for organizations of all kinds today as they struggle to stay relevant to customers while keeping ahead of the constantly changing algorithms of search engines like Google. Companies clearly need to generate a constant flow of high-quality, relevant, current content, but continually creating and updating content can take a toll and drive up costs. And finding a qualified staff that can keep up with the demand isn’t so easy these days.

The solution for a lot of companies today is (more…)

Finding Multiple Uses for Your Content to Extend Its Longevity and Reach

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Content is always changing shapes, morphing into something new. Long before there was the written word, people gathered to tell stories around campfires. Before there was a printing press, there were handwritten books. Then, of course, came ebooks. Now, our content comes to us through a dizzying array of devices and platforms. Smart creators are using the growing number of delivery options to continue to reshape content into new—and sometimes improved—forms.


What Niche Publishers Know That Mass Media Overlooks

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

While publishers continue to battle for audience, relevance, and engagement, some niche publishers are quietly making an impact—and money—from narrowcasting. Consider, for example, the following:

Emu Today & Tomorrow, a magazine for emu farmers

Twins, a magazine for parents of multiples, which launched in 1984

Spudman, a publication for potato farmers

The Chimney Sweep News, serving a decidedly niche market of chimney sweepers as the name suggests

These and other publications are finding success by casting a narrow net to appeal to smaller, more exclusive market segments. Publishers can draw inspiration and insight from the retail sector.


No, Paper Isn’t Dead and Isn’t Likely to be for a long, long, long time…

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

The demise of paper has been predicted for a century, but the end is nowhere in sight according to a recent article in “The Week.”

I heartily agree with this sentiment and I’ve seen interesting examples of just why this is likely to be the case in classes I teach at a local university. While most people today claim that “the millennials prefer electronic communication,” that’s not necessarily true–just ask the millennials! (more…)

Will Ebooks Replace Traditional? I Don’t Think So.

Friday, June 8th, 2012

My husband bought me a Kindle when they were originally released several years ago now. As an avid reader and book lover it wasn’t a product I would have thought that I would want, use or like–but I was wrong. I’ve found the Kindle to have a multitude of benefits, most notably as a tool when traveling. My Kindle (and now my Android which has a Kindle app) cuts down significantly on luggage weight! I also like being able to get access to information immediately. When I hear of a book I’m interested in, I can simply buy and download it. No need to find, travel to or spend time at a bookstore.

On the other hand, I’ve also found over time that (more…)