Posts Tagged ‘crisis communication’

Best Practices for Correcting Potentially Costly PR Missteps

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Public relations can be a tricky business. Issues can emerge very quickly and unexpectedly, and just as quickly become very public. Both experienced PR professionals, as well as non-professionals forced into a PR role from time to time, have to think on their feet, acting on both instinct and experience. Particularly in a lightening-fast communication environment, it’s not surprising that there are often mistakes made by PR professionals and others in the public eye.  (more…)

Working With the Media? Relationships Matter!

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

What’s the most important thing that any business person should know about working with the media? Relationships matter! I’ve been working with the media for a number of years–both as one of them in my role as a business journalist and on the other side of the relationship as a PR professional. Because I’ve had a foot in both camps for so long, I don’t have the same level of fear or anxiety about working with the media as many often do. I don’t view the media as “the enemy” but as an ally in most cases. I need the media to help me get important messages out to various audiences. The goal:


Crisis: It Can Happen to Anyone. Take Burger King, For Example!

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Contributed by Rachel Vick

We saw a prime example today of the need for big brand crisis communication. That’s right; Burger King was hacked on Twitter earlier this morning. Nothing like an Internet hacking to threaten a company’s reputation and put them directly in the spotlight!

Burger King’s hackers tweeted around 11:00 am that Burger King had been sold to McDonald’s. Burger King’s Twitter profile was also changed, including the profile photo (which was changed to the McDonald’s logo) and company information, which stated: “Just got sold to McDonald’s because the whopper flopped.”

The hackers continued to tweet for about an hour with obscene statements and false accusations, such as (more…)

Creating a Lasting Brand Image

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Why do some brands become cultural legends that stand the test of time, while others ebb, flow and eventually sink? The brand is the cornerstone of any business and is, unfortunately, often misunderstood. That is possibly why the brand is also often so mismanaged. Brands are not, are not, ARE NOT logos, taglines or corporate colors. Brands are not advertisements. Brands are not Facebook pages. (more…)

What to do When You Make an Online Mistake

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Whether managing your personal account or updating an employer or client account you’re responsible for, making an online mistake can be embarrassing to say the least. Online mistakes can also be costly in terms of damage done to an individual or firm’s reputation. As many celebrities and newsies have discovered sometimes what they felt was an innocuous statement can become quickly controversial and viral.

A client recently asked me how to deal with an error that went out in a post. There is no “easy answer” to this type of question, of course. The answer is really “it depends.”  It depends on what the “oops” was, how many people are likely to see it, what the potential negative ramifications might be and–importantly–whether a follow up message might bring more attention to the issue rather than defusing it. Believe it or not (more…)

Leveraging Consumer Feedback – Even When It’s Negative

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

In the old days, communicators communicated to their audiences. These days communicators, if they’re communicating online, are communicating with their audiences–whether they realize it or not. The old “conversations” were generally cloaked in privacy. When I saw a television ad that generated some kind of response from me, I might share it with the few people I was watching the commercial with, or talk about it later with friends. But, my response was fairly limited.

Enter social media. Today (more…)

SOPA, PIPA and Health Care Reform

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

If there’s one thing that can be said with certainty about SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (the Protect IP Act), it’s “the issues are confusing!” What does it all mean? From media reports that both are bad for business, particularly small business – to backers of the proposals, the reports are confusing to say the least.

At the most basic level (more…)

Should You Use “Real People” In Your Advertising?

Monday, March 7th, 2011

I recently spotted this posting about one of the latest examples of an “employee on a rampage” to go viral. Bad enough to have a situation like this make the social media rounds, but what if you’d just used this employee in a “feel-good” advertising campaign? Or, what if Domino’s had used its now-infamous employees in a campaign? I was just interviewed by a trade publication about the wisdom – or lack thereof – of using “real people” (generally, real employees) in advertising spots.

Those who have worked with me know that I’m (more…)

Social Media and Crisis Communications

Friday, May 22nd, 2009

(see my article on social media and crisis management pubished 6/1/09 on Human Resource Executive online)

Campus shootings and challenges faced by schools and universities in communicating immediately with students and staff have prompted these institutions to take a new look at crisis communication plans – and to incorporate social media into the mix.

At least one health care system – Innovis Health, a 21-location healthcare provider with sites in Minnesota and North Dakota – has used social media to (more…)