Posts Tagged ‘business success’

3 Plans to Drive Small Business Success

Friday, May 18th, 2018

by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA

Every small business owner knows that the path to success is fraught with many challenges. From managing staff, to financing, to marketing efforts, small business owners often feel overwhelmed with the ancillary yet critical activities they need to succeed at in order to pursue their love of event planning, or flower arrangement, or owning their own medical practice, etc. In a recent article for Entrepreneur, Pamela Slim discussed “How to Overcome Common Challenges and Help Your Small Business Grow,” and one of the topics Slim focused on was the concept of “reacting versus looking ahead.” (more…)

Challenges and Successes of Being a Small Business Owner

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

Being a business owner can be very rewarding–it can also be very challenging, even frustrating, at times. That’s the yin/yang of entrepreneurship, and, while I wouldn’t trade it for life back in the “corporate jungle,” I have to admit there are ups and downs.

1) My three biggest frustrations or setbacks have been: (more…)

3 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

I responded to a reporter’s inquiry recently about the traits of successful entrepreneurs. I love responding to questions like this because they cause me to be introspective and think about things that I believe have contributed to my own success–and that may be, potentially, helpful to others. As I look back on my career, and the launch of my business in 2008 (still going strong almost seven years later!), there are a few key points that come to mind. (more…)

Business Failures: What’s Your Level of Risk?

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

The research about the percentage of new businesses that fail each year, or within a certain period of time after launch is widespread and generally confusing depending on the study you’re reading about. Suffice it to say that, according to most of these studies, most new businesses have a tough road ahead of them.

Why? The reasons are many. Some, that I’ve observed, researched, written about–or even committed myself–include: (more…)