Posts Tagged ‘business communication’

Content IS King – Regardless of Who Said It!

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

While there’s a debate about where the phrase “content is king” originally emerged, Bill Gates is widely given credit for the phrase and wrote what Fox Business calls a “remarkably prescient piece” back in 1996 in which he “accurately foresaw the content boom years before Google, WordPress, Facebook and YouTube even existed.” The rest, of course, is history.

Organizations of all kinds have jumped on the content bandwagon, recognizing that the trusted relationships they have with patients puts them in a prime position to share content on a wide range of topics of interest to, and representing value for, their audiences.  (more…)

Why It Pays to Be “You,” Rather Than “Me,” Focused

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

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By now, most business owners and business professionals have accepted the value that social media can have in helping to raise awareness, create preference and drive traffic to websites and to brick-and-mortar establishments. But, unfortunately, not all are communicating effectively through these channels.

We often see two common missteps, which we try to advise clients against doing: (more…)

Key Communication Skills Explained in E-cards

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

Just as medical students acquire skills in science and math, people with degrees in communication have a different set of skills. They know the importance of creating effective and efficient lines of communication in the work they perform.

Here are three e-cards that explain how communication professionals think. (more…)