Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Blogging Best Practices

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

A business contact of mine asked me recently about my thoughts on the value of blogs for generating revenue and the opportunity that may exist for writers to generate content for blogs.

Personally, I think  the whole field of blogging is (more…)

Get Results With These 10 Tested Copywriting Tips

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Whether you’re writing a brochure, copy for a newspaper ad, a script for a radio announcement or a page or blog for your website, there are some tried and true techniques that can help you make sure that your copy gets the results you’re looking for.

Think about writing copy as making a sales pitch to a customer. Your goal is to persuade that customer to do something – most likely to purchase your product or service. Here’s how: (more…)

Transforming Traditional Content Into Something Better!

Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Content is always changing shapes, morphing into something new. Long before there was the written word, people gathered to tell stories around campfires. Before there was a printing press, there were handwritten books. Then, of course, came ebooks. Now, our content comes to us through a dizzying array of devices and platforms. Smart creators are using the growing number of delivery options to continue to reshape content into new—and sometimes improved—forms. (more…)

5 Steps to a Better Blog

Monday, March 19th, 2018

We’ve been writing this blog for a long time – since 2009 actually! It actually draws more traffic than our website and we’ve also been recognized over the years, most recently by Feedspot as a “Top 30 Communication Blog.”  Recently we were asked by a reporter to share our top tips for effective blogging; we thought we’d share here as well. Here are our “Top 5 Tips for Building a Better Blog”: (more…)

How to Build a Blog That Generates Results

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

So you’ve finally put in the effort to develop a respectable blog. You’re posting regularly and consistently, and you’re posting about topical material relevant to your target audience. But nobody’s reading it. A common challenge we see with businesses trying to beef up their online presence is that they haven’t done enough to drive traffic to their blog. Here are some basic tips to help boost your blog traffic. (more…)

Building a Better Blog

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Keyboard - smallIt’s hard to overstate the value of a good blog and the impact it can have on your business. Here when we’re talking about value, we’re talking about bang for your buck. A blog is essentially free, other than the time you put into creating content and the cost of the website on which you host it. And yet a quality blog can do so much to drive traffic to your website and to help establish yourself, and your organization, as thought leaders in your industry.

We’ve been blogging since February, 2009, and we’ve been doing it consistently (one of our highly recommended strategies for success). Here are our “top tips” on building a blog that will generate real results: (more…)

Content Marketing: A Deep Dive Into the Definition

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Podcasting and other forms of content marketingContent marketing is, as the words suggest, using content to market yourself, your company, your products or your services. The key distinction between “content” and “content marketing” is the purpose behind the content. Content marketing is done with the ultimate goal of generating a positive marketing impact for an individual or organization.

It’s important to note, though, that while marketing is at the basis of these activities, effective content marketing does not take a heavy sales approach. On the contrary, content marketing is more subtle than a sales appeal—and far more valuable to its recipients. That was true when John Deere launched “The Furrow,” and it is still true today, 120 years later. (more…)

How to Build Thought Leadership Through Blogging

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

Keyboard - smallBlogs are so ubiquitous in the online world that it may seem like it’s not worth the effort to maintain your own. After all, blogs can take a lot of effort to maintain. You need to be current, consistent and relevant. Is it worth all that time and energy with so many blogs out there? (more…)

Building Better Blogs Through Quality, Targeted Content

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

In the digital age, so much of your marketing success depends on your online presence. Just as you wouldn’t run a shoddy, run-down brick and mortar store, you simply can’t have a tacky-looking website. By the same token, you need to give potential customers a reason to come to your site. Gas stations operate on razor-thin margins on gasoline to get customers into their convenience stores — the real moneymakers. Similarly, many business websites use a content-rich, regularly-updated blog with appeal to their target audience to drive traffic to their site. And just because you aren’t a digital marketing expert, doesn’t mean you can’t put together a great blog your audience will be drawn to. (more…)

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Content Marketing

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

In today’s marketing environment, content is king. Content is what drives potential customers to your website and gets them to know your brand and what your organization has to offer. Often, potential customers are first and foremost content consumers. They don’t care about your products or services, but if you have something interesting to show or tell them, they might keep returning to your site and getting to know your brand in the process.

But content marketing isn’t easy, and there are many pitfalls. (more…)