Archive for May, 2011

What Kind of Manager Are You?

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Many managers struggle with choosing a management technique for the decision making process. Some managers tend to simply issue orders based on their own judgment and expect obedience, while others actively engage their subordinates in the decision making process. Listed below are some common management styles along with some of the pros and cons for each. There’s nothing necessarily right or wrong about any of these styles, but some are more appropriate in certain situations than others. (more…)

Could Facebook Business Pages Make Sense for You? (This is a trick question!)

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

I recently responded to a reporter’s request for perspectives on Facebook’s new feature that allows people to have business pages as well as personal pages and whether it will make a difference in the way small businesses use Facebook to market to customers and prospects.

These types of questions are always interesting to me because they seem to prompt a somewhat (more…)