Posts Tagged ‘Google Analytics’

SEO: Optimizing for the “right” words and phrases–those that drive real results!

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

If you Google the term “strategic communications” my company — Strategic Communications — is likely to show up on the first page of the results you see. Great, right? Well, not necessarily. But, the fact that it does, and the results that I see, have provided me with some key insights into the types of words and phrases that I, and my clients, should be optimizing for.  (more…)

What Are the “Right” Metrics to Measure Marketing Effectiveness?

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Over time, I’ve come to realize two things about my love for marketing:

  • I’m addicted to response. There’s nothing I like better than developing strategies and tactics, implementing them and seeing how well they worked. The higher the numbers, the greater the rush. The lower the numbers, the greater my need to boost them.
  • I’m comfortable with—even driven by—the ambiguity of marketing. There are no truly “right” answers to a lot of the questions that marketers ask, and I’m okay with that.

One of the questions that there isn’t a “right” answer to is a question that is posed frequently these days. “What are the ‘right’ metrics to measure marketing effectiveness?” (more…)

Using Google Analytics Effectively

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

We recently received a question from a reader asking if we had any advice on how to use Google Analytics effectively. We do! Google Analytics is a very powerful tool for determining how effectively your web site is both reaching, and engaging, your target audience. Each month we analyze our own web traffic, as well as the traffic of our clients. We’ve seen some common trends and have gained some interesting insights through this analysis. (more…)