Archive for the ‘Strategic Communications’ Category

That’s Irrational! The Weird Ways Consumers Behave and Why

Thursday, August 1st, 2019

Economic theory has some fundamental assumptions underpinning it. One of the most important is that people behave rationally. In other words, that the decisions we make are designed to fulfill our best interests.

But we know this is not always the case. (more…)

How Becoming a Trusted SME Can Boost Your Sales Ability

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?Many people are somewhat wary of having something sold to them. Even with professional salespeople, and even when we’ve actively sought out the product or service a salesperson is offering, there is a tendency to be skeptical of what they’re telling us. After all, they are trying to get money from us. That’s why anything that can be done to boost the credibility of a salesperson is a big boon. (more…)

Thought Leadership Through Content Marketing for Business Professionals

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?Most small business owners are heavily focused on their core skillset. They are bakers, event planners, lawyers – insert job – first, and accountants and marketers second. As Pamela Slim writes for Entrepreneur, “Most small business owners aren’t marketers by trade, but almost all (95 percent) do some form of marketing for themselves, and many need to master what can feel like a very steep learning curve quickly. Most entrepreneurs and small business owners (64 percent) are self-taught and less than half (46 percent) consider themselves ‘marketing savvy.’” (more…)

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

There’s an old saying that has been used to describe exceptional salespeople: “They’re so good that they could sell ice cubes to Eskimos.” The point being that Eskimos, living in a cold climate, really don’t need ice cubes, and are likely an audience that is going to be tough to crack. But, great salespeople could crack them.

Our perspective: Why? (more…)

Content Marketing: A Wide Range of Options

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

At Strategic Communications, we are big advocates of content marketing. It’s crucial to offer something of value to your potential customers rather than simply advertising to them. Blogs and whitepapers can be great vehicles for this type of marketing, but there are many, many forms of content marketing, and some might not seem to fit that label at first glance. (more…)

Best Practices in Defining Your Value Proposition

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

content marketing, content management, content strategy, strategic marketing, marketing strategically, strategic communicationsThe value proposition for a product or service is a foundational element in any sales and marketing activity. The value proposition responds to consumers’ question of “why” related to your products and services. “Why should I buy your product?” “Why should I subscribe to this service?”

A value proposition isn’t an off-the-top-of-your-head pitch to potential customers. It has to be carefully crafted, based on a solid understanding of your audience’s needs and values. Writing for Forbes, Rebecca O. Bagley recommends a three-step process for developing a value proposition: (more…)

How to Respond Effectively to Negative Advertising

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017

For many businesses, connecting with and selling to a target market can be challenging enough on its own. But, when a competitor jumps into the mix and badmouths your product, service or entire company, an entirely new front opens up. Consider a local grocer watching TV when an ad comes on from a competitor discussing how the local grocer’s produce is not as fresh as the competitor’s and that its product selection is less expansive. Many marketers and business owners struggle with how to respond. Do you ignore the attack? Do you hit back? (more…)

How Often, and When, Should You Post on Social Media?

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Social media bubblesAt Strategic Communications, we are strong advocates for social media marketing. The challenge faced by many businesses — particularly smaller organizations without a sophisticated marketing department with the ability to conduct focused market research — is that it’s not always easy to tell how those efforts contribute to growing revenue. Consequently, it’s hard to know just how much social media marketing to do.

We feel strongly that some presence is generally better than no presence. However, what is the marginal benefit of posting five tweets per day instead of four? (more…)

Why It Pays to Be “You,” Rather Than “Me,” Focused

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

12389678 - acronym of aam for all about me written in chalk on a blackboard

By now, most business owners and business professionals have accepted the value that social media can have in helping to raise awareness, create preference and drive traffic to websites and to brick-and-mortar establishments. But, unfortunately, not all are communicating effectively through these channels.

We often see two common missteps, which we try to advise clients against doing: (more…)

6 Steps and 6 Days to an Effective Content Strategy: Day 2

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

 content marketing, content management, content strategy, strategic marketing, marketing strategically, strategic communications

Jazz Jones is hoping to build business for her leadership development coaching for healthcare professionals. She’s clarified her goals and objectives and is ready for Step 2: (more…)